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-- Tests whether a module has a test API, and if so, runs these tests

local p = {}

function local title = titleCurrentPage local titlesplit = mw.text.split(title, '/', true) if titlesplit[1]:find('Module:', 1, true) ~= 1 then return end if titlesplit[#titlesplit] == 'doc' then table.remove(titlesplit) end title = table.concat(titlesplit, '/')

-- Load the module local m = require(title) local testType = 'public-member' local testFunction = ( (type(m) == 'table') and (getmetatable(m) and getmetatable(m).quickTests or m['runTests']) ) local testFunctionType = type(testFunction) if ( (type(m) == 'table') and (getmetatable(m) and getmetatable(m).quickTests) ) then testType = 'meta-table' end if ( testFunctionType ~= 'function' and not ( testFunctionType == 'table' and getmetatable(testFunction).__call ) ) then return , title, testType end

-- Execute the test function local ok, result = pcall(testFunction) if ok then return result, title, testType else return 'error', title, testType end end

function cat(title, titleCurrentPage, cat) if titleCurrentPage == title then return cat end return end

function p.testModule(frame) local titleCurrentPage = ( frame.args and frame.args.title ) or ( frame and frame:preprocess('Module:QuickTest') ) or 'Frame not defined.' local testResult, title, testType = local testCode = '=p.runTests()'

if testResult == true then return 'Quick tests passed' .. cat(title, titleCurrentPage, ) elseif testResult == false then if testType == 'meta-table' then testCode = '=getmetatable(p).quickTests()' end return 'Bug executing tests Run ' .. testCode .. ' in the LUA console on ' .. title .. ' for more details.' .. cat(title, titleCurrentPage, ) elseif testResult == 'error' then return '16px Error executing tests.' .. cat(title, titleCurrentPage, ) else return '16px '.. testResult .. cat(title, titleCurrentPage, ) end end

function p.injectResult(frame) local result = p.testModule(frame) if result == then return end

return ( frame.args['pattern']:gsub('%%result%%', result) ) end

local mt = { quickTests = function () return 'function' == type( p.injectResult ) end } setmetatable(p, mt)

return p